A downloadable game

Play against a millennial rival! 


Play the Senet game just like you played in Tomb Raider The Last Revelation.

This game is a version of the Senet game found in Tomb Raider IV in the Semerkhet Temple level.


Senet Game Tomb Raider.zip 39 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and unzip it. Run the Senet Game Tomb Raider.exe file with the game logo to open it.

How to play


-WASD: Movement
-Mouse: Look
-Left Mouse Button: Action
-P or ESC: Pause

Game Mechanics

Get your pieces to the end of the board


-To win the game, get all your pieces off the board by landing them on the final ankh square. 
-On your turn spin the sticks. Your throw is the number of white sides showing.
-If no white sides show, your throw is a six. 
-If you throw a six or land on an ankh square you get an extra turn. 
-If you land on an opponent's piece, it is returned to the start.

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